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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the cost on red chris, the the come on. so robin, you want to me i'll just own use online for my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes is already strikes target. from most calls us to south palestinian homes have been hit, killing at least 30 people, including children of the most grave is discovered on the old ship, a hospital complex in dogs. every month after his baby forces, the $349.00 forties have found the secretary of defense concerns washington as pulls they shipments of problems that as well as it again won't create some major assaults on rafa. the rates of gains time in south africa
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as rescue a search, but dozens of people track of the eclipse building the welcome to the use of getting goals where the is really ministry is pounding. the strip from one end to the other, at least 20 palestinians, including 9 children have been killed in garza city civilians without scrambling to transport the into 2 neighboring hospitals, which already overwhelmed, i'd been able to function is what it is showing targeted homes in the southern city of gauze, i can look at least 10 people as well says it's going ahead with a full scale offensive in the city despite concerns washington and the international community view in his world. and assault and rossa would be a humanitarian nightstand. not molded one of the halls, 1000000000 displays, palestinians have been sheltering the 10s of thousands of flights as ro ordered them to move on monday. but anyway, people go now in the strip isn't safe either. we have correspondence on the ground
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and also reporting on the attacks him the categories and data, by the way, a new wave of displace palestinians are heading back to safety. but the 1st topic up, it was a report from the southern city of rafa. this is what people in garza wake up to every day. here's what ignoring windings from what leaders, including its main i like the united states and bombing gruff adoption is 8 agencies say that task to disrupt the consequences for palestinians as well as take over the roof on the board of crossing with egypt on tuesday means new 8 can get 18, that's a lifeline for those living in the gaza strip. as read has also denied the u. n. a agencies access to gone so they say the supplies of if you will only last
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a one more day during the last 7 months as well has been forcing palestinians into rough. nearly 2 thirds of the strips population of 2300000 are displaced. that's 1500000 people, the city 100 population of 275000 before the war, exhausted, antoinette ties the all in the move again. some displaced for the 5th or the 6th type is read has to do some eastern rough. i to go to areas that just weeks ago went back to fields. yeah, i'm going to milwaukee fun, eunice. and there is none of these areas have basic services, no conditions considered livable. many palestinians are close to famine on soft spring water born diseases with a leak stream legal, medical, cat, available, rad, or loan? no, no, i know we have stuff. a lot of children see horrible things and listens fooling with. it's
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a something with trauma while we're displaced when leaving tanks not far from us. you can see it with the business that way. he's ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the minister of defense of cologne. tough post released the statement saying the plumbing of roof is necessary to get rid of from us and that isabel will continue to deepen its operation all over this trip in the south center and in the north. jones is often described as the world's largest hope at present before the will was read on the 17 year located in post bike, as well as a ceasefire. deals are still being discussed in cairo, palestinians, in because this trip disparate for the root tar capacity, which is 0 ruffle power steering indo categories into the by the which is one of the cities in gauze where pilot studies a fleet to do in order to seek shelter,
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i'm picking up the hospital where it's parked, we totally at, but see the difference from yesterday to today. on our way from the far do that in bella earlier today. we also saw the amount of cars and trucks holding people and caring people from dropbox to, um, uh, add them in the middle area and where i am right now in that and but people are still searching for a place for a spot for an empty area to settle down, but unfortunately since the morning there has been multiple air strikes on agriculture, land, and emptiness. and this is the only place left for people to set those. there's tons of people are still panicking. their sins terrified these been at a have a more family members and drop off, and there's coming here to reserve some slots for them a so the situation is frustrating. people are very desperate. they can't find
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a place to such an in the coast line of vegetable as the wide and the middle area is completely packed with people. the hospital is packed where not only residents and civilians is like you waited from dropbox, but also to hospitalized from augusta cleared and evacuated their patients to hospitalized in the area. so, so far more people are coming people. ethan not listed in the red and danger zone, and more people are expecting to arrive in the next couple of days. but one of the main hospitals in southern garza has been evacuated after as a troop sees the roof of border crossing patients and medical workers fled abo use of out of the show hospital in rafa. saving is really strikes. it was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded during is really a tax on the city. the world health organization as well and other hospitals will
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run out of fuel soon. we only have enough few to run health services in the south. for 3 more days. the w joel has peoples and sums up lies in warehouses and hospitals, but without more aid flowing into gaza, we cannot sustain our life saving support to hospitals. any of my colleague, elizabeth per unimed, spoke to margaret harris, who's the spokes person for the w h a. now she explained what changes the organization has been forced to make when had to suspend some of the activities to the nose because we want to reserve that fuel for the hospitals for to ensure that they can continue their life saving work. but that's not going to be possible for more than a couple of days. we will then completely run out how much backup medical supplies to hospitals currently have. not much. so we pre positioned knowing that this
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incursion was likely we preposition supplies, that as many of the hospitals as we could, including the hospitals as well for the themselves. but as you've heard, those hospitals on the threat has had to evacuate their patients to other hospitals . we've also done things like that up dialysis units in the nasa medical, a complex which as you know was almost destroyed. but with the work with i work with it myself and all the agencies have been able to rehabilitate that. so that should open sued, and also we've been able to get things like dialysis units to the field hospitals, but these a tiny amount. so it's a representative of say that over and over again, it's a bad date. it's a band aid on what's looking like a hemorrhage right now. the non is a p traffic and urologist and k, founder of the health work is the palestine. he has more on the dog situation. health workers are facing in garza and i think this a number of the issues,
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especially in the last 24 hours. this situation from a healthcare perspective is up summarily catastrophic. we are at a stage where hardly any humanitarian aid is not to and no to yours. come through to cause in the last few days is on right. and you just have to come out and said this means that many of the hospitals have come out and said they have only $2.00 to $3.00 days. uh what about interest to remaining? this takes it back to november and december, when we have hospitalized like i was just shutting down the electricity, meaning the patients in the intensive care units, one time because they have no access to ventilate, as we have patients on dallas. and so we're not being di lies. this is, you know, potentially catastrophic for the remaining patients that are in the intensive cain just in these falls. what i also hope today, which is extreme, you were given the level of attacks that are happening, that are all there is preemptive recreation happening from the not in the,
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in the rocky hospitals in russell. and there is a potential for some sort of reopening of operations and no, sir, how soon can use i, you know, given that you know, that are fine because become last year read. so and, and there is an imminent risk of the ground invasion and attacks throughout the whole process. so what i'm hearing is these pre emptive recreation, which tells us how horrified and petrified the local civilian population. emetics are. i think also said a said most grave as being uncovered as officer of the hospitals. alice sending officials say they, they seemed $49.00 bodies on the recovery process. it's still underway. these really minute tre, laid siege to the facility in march, cutting hundreds of people inside, including medical stuff. oh sure. so it has been out of service for months. mass graves have been discovered in and around 3 different hospitals in the gaza strip, with today's findings. i have now be in 7th grade science discovered and title 3 at
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all. she has a medical complex one that's being found to come out. i've been hospital in the north until the south. 3 great sites have been discovered at naso medical complex. so fall, 520 bodies have been recovered from o 7 mass grace sites. that number is expected to increase. as the prices of retrieving bodies continues. as riley strikes continue on, garza moss, and his rather engaged in seaside talks in conroy discussions that are not being negotiated by counsel and egypt. stephanie decker pulls down from the jordanian capital a month. as the head of the ca, william burns was back in his rel, today meeting with these ready prime minister, the americans are trying to put a lot of pressure on israel. interesting me today again and is ready media, but also over the course of the last couple of months, constantly even coming out of the war cabinet. that it is. these are the prime minister himself. that is making a deal very, very difficult. uh, and it falls in line with what so many is right. he's on the ground. when i was
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into the multiple saturdays when you have thousands of people protesting, calling for the captives to be brought home, saying that he's prolonging this war for his own political survival because the right wing and that may sound like internal politics, but it's not, it's really the men that keep him as prime minister in power don't want to deal. they want him to go full on into the alpha and what they see it off as the last stand. really to see what they could then cool as victory in garza. and of course, and then you have the americans that are saying absolutely not in going as far as to now withholding for now a major military shipment of heavy i, munitions, which these radios are not happy about. so this is where we're at. we're at a holding pattern, we've been talking about this for weeks now. first, it wasn't as really agreed proposal. it seems how much has agreed, but there had been amendments that as well as now have not happy about that towards continue in cairo. we're going to have to wait and see what is going to come out of
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there over the next couple of days. and just explain why stephanie is reporting from the jordanian capital benjamin us. and y'all, he's cabinet has bend of dra 0. so we're reporting from outside of israel. elder is a political analyst and contributed to these really nice people who writes, he says he is really government does not consider reaching a ceasefire deal a priority, a. it's not a priority. so the government and i'm talking about both aisles of the coalition. their 1st priority of the government is to put more pressure and they believe that more pressure on from us will get them a better idea of what some us is refusing to clearly say is that m m on those 73 f chaves. how many people are still a lot these right is there is no trust. and here comes the,
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the head of this, the a and the 2nd 0 stages on his way here in order to get more information to make it easier. just imagine if uh we would get so the bodies back and 3 people that live there now cannot afford this because of dr. barton and says that he'll stop supplying weapons and artillery shelves to his room if it launches an assault on rafa. biden's comments come after the us confirmed it pulls a weapon ship into his well consisting of thousands of launch palms. and that was due to washington's concerns that his ro wasn't addressing the safety of civilians in rasa. i'm concerned the buttons that have been provided to as well, have been used to kill civilians. my kind of reports that from the us capital, the support was on the scheduled shipment is directly connected to is really threats of an operation. and rough off this as being confirmed by the secretary of
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defense and a senate committee here in israel shouldn't launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in the rental space. and, and again, as we have a assess the situation, we pause one shipment of high height payload, the munitions, the state department decline to discuss what the width ends within the shipment. but had this to say about these reactions at the crucial rough of crossing the seas that crossing and israel is in control of it now. so it is, is the responsibility to open that crossing and make sure that it is running effectively right now is a, is a responsibility, the governor of israel, all this part of an apparent attempt to put pressure on israel to come to a cease fire agreement. but the state department is under pressure of its own. it is in the final stages of completing a national security memorandum in which it is applied to inform congress with or
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not. it has received assurances from countries that have received weapons from the united states, but they are being used in accordance with international humanitarian rule. it's a 1st time that a us department, formally and publicly, will have to take a position on the manner in which israel is using us weapons. my kind of, i'll just sierra washington. clearly we set to daniel if it's the guns and nobody's riley who was taken captive during the october 7th attacks. he says that he helps the deal is reached quickly. so the account is in gauze i can return home and my grandfather, he's the only great grandfather has hostage in the world that's a horrible title or 84 years old man. they will get into making these dylan and the software of all the sides. uh, personally, those uh, 1st hostages, supposed to go out are in a very bad humanitarian uh,
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situation. we don't even know the situation has come off of the didn't even let the red cross to see them. so we have no information. um, what i am looking for is that they will be able to negotiate until the deal is done because every day we are losing them. if we are here 7 months of after. so it means the priority was not that fair for every part, but uh now in the last few months i see that uh, they tried to, uh, get into a deal. and uh, now everyone on negotiating in cairo and uh, unfortunately, you know, in the mean the least, someone wise told me the negotiations are under fire. i would prefer that would it be not under fire and there would be no more stuff for not for civilians in the palestinian side and then our side. and then we could be able to get to an agreement at the end of the lady i spoke to. how did they receive your political at
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the time of shara, for more a why those tools are safe, all failed to achieve a cease. finally, he described the role of the us, the director william burns, the on king negotiations if it goes a. and he certainly knows the parties to this very particular issue and he has been on it for now for several months. and clearly the very last draft that the best buy, and he actually propose that based on an egyptian is really understanding. so all in all he is been basically responsible. and he has the authority to negotiate to mediate on the, on behalf of the united states. i think once uh, nothing you know, bulk once and you know, uh, started talking hi probably against the agreement the by the end of the session buckled this sort of support thing as the director burns. because this, this should have been the time when the war winds down captives our exchange for
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palestinian captives and his rarely prisons and uh, and the underwater ends. and in some form or another at least stops for a while under the phrase sustained quiet. this is especially important for the united states because i think there is an understanding in the, by the administration, that much of the democratic party is no longer on board with this war. that the movement in hundreds of american universities are not, not as uh, nothing. yeah, how says, uh, are you called to nazi germany in 1958. but there either it's a movement of young model generation that is across the atlantic now into europe. and that to the people who are demonstrating and lose on engineers have and paris
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and london and madrid like in new york, los angeles, chicago and elsewhere are all in part of a generation that is eager to stop the genocide in, in gaza. why didn't understand that? and now he is really leaning towards spending the wor, to students in the united kingdom of continuing their encampments expressing solidarity with palestinians in gaza at oxford university students. and amending the institution contents financial times with israel will, than to 100 ox that academics of signed an opening like to supporting the protest. full brendan, how's the latest from those protests, in centurylink, and also in cambridge to various probably most prestigious universities academically. and they have joins now this week with other universities such as manchester, new council, in london, and protesting against what's happening in gauzy, to see if my shoulder for a moment outside of the show them the into the vice chancellor of also it is doing
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a awards ceremony, and they are making the presence very loud with the bombs, the feel should give us the investing. essentially dr. essex also kind of investments in is rarely company that the student se popping up is really government. now generally to discuss this is jacob, spell your 1st political theory to summarize what the students here are asking. well, we are showing up here because we believe that there should be no business as usual during the genocide. and what that means is ensuring cuz the university years that we are out there, we are out in our encampment or whether it's really sweet river as museum. and we have a serious demand that we want them to seriously consider, instead of nearly ignoring those being to disclose all investments that they currently possess. and it's really a part i had an ongoing side to guide best from those investments and to commit financial resources to a palestinian lead. rebuilding
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a 1000 win. hopefully the concept soon cease to join your response to the student purchase. the university of expert has issued the statement saying that we respect the freedom of expression in the form of peaceful practice and asked everybody to have respect, courtesy, emphasis, the priority they say is to ensure the health and safety it's been changed. and so the impact of what research and learning is minimized. o'brien of 0, ultimate a student. so the netherlands utrecht, the university of protesting, as well as middle troll pricing garza adults. please break up a palestinian solidarity protest at the university of em to them to demonstrate as bound to state codes until the institutions of it all ties with israel and the
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missing some of the days of the news. the russian has stepped up. it's a tax on ukraine's energy infrastructure. the barrels of trains and missiles talked of possibilities and keys and 6 other cities. full thing. you're trying to limit energy supplies across the country. it's all home and how's the details on the ukrainian capital, steve? the keys. so it's like fine to pick out drawings in the early hours of wednesday. for the crating, the defense is can still move. explosions were heard in several parts of the country. russian forces moments, 50 missiles and 20 drugs, said the craning government. there was some damage in the key region, but the main big thing was the country. so electric plants, pots, if you create enough, struggling for power, where the 80 percent of the takes them are, electric generating capacity has been destroyed. it said. but it's not just the energy sector, suffering frames revealed the russian forces in ching fluids
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pops the front line in the 8th. and the 2nd city kind of key is under constant pop up and add to that the cranium, security service says it's just fluids and attempt by the russian secret service on president. below them is lensky is life. 2, u, craning candles in the unit is meant to protect him, and other senior leaders have been arrested. calling the president himself, speaking to most of us through the soviet defeat of nazi germany, was defiant, resumed. he said they will give to all of them and you want to 8 years ago, millions of ukrainian supports to make nazis and lose whatever. but again, today, ukrainian said preventing the evil which was revived and wants to destroy us again . and you main army is murdering and torturing and sweeping severely on cities and villages of the face of the soil. this evil is called the russian fascism. it was in the school basement where almost 400 residents were held by russian forces in
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2022 ukraine still waiting for wet from re promised by the united states and its european allies. somebody's trickling in the well, the rest is yet to arrive. russia's pressing home. it's advantage to on home. and i would just say to keep as the, the sole flooding in brazil, southern states of, via the sioux has risen to more than a 100. at least another 130 have been reported missing in the countries was floating in any ideas rescue teams from the army place on volunteers of helping being thousands of people to safety. doesn't reset necessarily the silver cool down co restaurant knowledge of states of public emergency. i'm just there was lots in america, tennessee, and even has the latest on risk operations and something for so we are in the military central command for this emergency. it's actually within a cavalry unit of the army, but it's been transformed as into the what they called there. war room, members of uh,
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all representatives rather of all of the institutions of the country are here, the army, the navy, the police, the health ministry, just a few minutes ago, the administrative communications came in in the hall and the helicopter. we went out in to have a cover ourselves just a short time ago as well, but now they've been thunderstorms. so everything is rather paralyzed. if is the central commands that from where they send out a rescue teams, medical equipment, everything they can. but it's got to be done in helicopters rather than in large, large vehicles or, or aircraft from the, from an airport because the airport is absolutely flooded. so the road so doesn't get into a very, very much the rescue effort. and as with a number of dead, we are hearing here also record that they expected to go much, much higher because simply they haven't been able to find bodies in this catastrophe, as they call it. or let's bring you some more. now those comments made by the us
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presidents about a weapon shipments to israel, bringing in how to do a constant correspondence in washington dc. at heidi, obviously a significant comments from the us president, he said a great deal of pressure isn't a from outside of the us and from within its it absolutely is this. so this marks a significant shift and it's divided ministration in the u. s. foreign policy toward israel and that bite and has just told cnn that the, the continuation of us aid of artillery shells bombs for fighter jets and other offensive weapons is contingent on whether israel and bates the city of ross. he said that if that goes for the us will stop supplying those things to israel. that is a, it's significant turn of events and like you said, so yes,
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you fight. it has been under a significant pressure knowing just how many civilians are sheltering in rasa. but we also saw this sort of being paved by cabinet members. what austin, the austin, the us defense secretary was on capitol hill today, telling us the senate appropriations committee that the us was indeed pausing at least one shipment of munitions that happened last week. he said that there had not been a final determination on whether that pause would be lifted, but he also said that other future munitions deliveries were being considered for perhaps slow walking. so these are definitely hurdles that the us administration is putting in the way between the us weapons and getting to israel. and now those words from president biden himself saying that is, is real. again invades the city of rafael, at the us,
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will stop supplying it with those offensive weapons. heidi, it's interesting that he should sit with a major us broadcast to, to be so clear about what he's wants to say about is right. let me just get one of the quotes. you know, he says bottoms that the united states has supplied israel. and now polls have been used to kill civilians. it's such that it's such a huge statement to make. i mean, we know that he's been against an incursion into rafa. we've heard that from lincoln. we've now heard it again from the secretary of defense, but to say that the buttons at the us of supplying have been used against civilians is fuel to the fire of civil society globally. who of all will be very critical of the american support for israel. oh absolutely, and that exact turn of phrase that it's us, made bombs that are dropping on civilians in rafa. those are the chance that we've been hearing at these protests that are on us college campuses and that heavy
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wrapped it in major us cities even prior to these campus pro test. so yes, you know, for, for all, until now, biden has been peppered with questions from reporters, from protesters about when that would ever change. and he always sort of dodge those questions. he always professed this iron clad alliance between the us and israel, which by the way was again a firm today by the us defense secretary, the aligns itself is not in question, but by and has really hesitated to squarely say that yes, it is us weapons that are killing palestinians and gaza. he did go there today, and that is a significant emission from the us president. and to say that and invasion into rafa will mean the us stopping, supplying israel with these offensive weapons that is significant as well. i just wanted heidi, you know, just a week ago, you and i were talking for the university of texas in austin,
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where we saw students demonstrating and the faculty member supporting them on campus removed in some cases pretty violently by state troopers. i wonder what the statements now and the people you talk to that are in texas is perhaps another step towards students or even civil society getting back home to the streets. because these demonstrations haven't called away have they, we've seen civil society across major capital, major states, capitals taking to the streets to demonstrate about what's going on in gauze and american involvement to yes, they have, but whether or not biden's response today and his decision to put us a sense of weapons contingent on whether or not us is roommates were offered that perhaps isn't directly related to these protests. he's actually been taking a lot of criticism from both sides, saying that he hasn't been cracking down and quote unquote anti semitism in the form of these protests. but rather the u. s. has been consistent now 4 months that
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they never wanted to see is real and they'd rasa. and it's, so it would appear that this decision by is real to escalate. it's in its attack on raw sign during toward that round invasion. that is the red line. it appears that the us as long warrant is real against and as they approach this red line, now even stronger warning is coming from the us presidents to dissuade israel from taking that step. we'll see how this develops in the company as but for the bad. hi, jake has to do that for us in washington dc. thank you. but we can. okay. hon, get more of the student protests. we just made sure a little while ago in the netherlands demonstrations of being held to track to university you guys as well as military operation in gaza. alex a brook taylor is one of the representatives of being comments at the university of stem joins us now on the phone. uh alex, good to have you with us on the phone. can you just tell us what exactly happened at your income and yes, thank you. for having us, so i am a spokesperson,
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pretty and catlin. i'm a 2nd year student at the university of am. so them studying cultural analysis. what is happening right now? so since yesterday, we were peacefully occupying the central campus of the up to them university. this was in response to earlier police of islands. we experience when our encampment on another campus was evicted on monday with a bunch of dr. police, where over a 150 students had been arrested and where they were attacked as well. we are asking now for it comfortably from the universities board and they have again sent us police instead. 6 and we're now seeing a massive growth of people taking to the street. have you or anybody your incumbent, because he's back is ations that will be made against you. have you or anybody at your incumbent, being aggressive? have you been chanting? any anti semitic remarks? have you had any way offended any other cultural group except for your demands for
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a ceasefire in gaza? of the no safety of all our, all our students right now is top priority. the student movement, who initially established and complement uh, has explicitly said to not want to allow any racism, discrimination, anti semitism, or any of the like in this in government. this patricia is led by students and staff who are all in support of the clear we caught and the assessment demands of the university. all we want to do is what the university accountable in the space of solid dougherty with the policy and people who are now encountering all this violence of being brought onto them by a it's like so we can see some mobile site and footage of the dutch security services in full, i would say right, get heading towards it seems students with batons and shields and
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pushing them back. can you tell us in terms of the injuries or people that will hurt missing people? the ground certainly now being had, i mean what, what sort of injuries have your colleagues your students faced? and so we can definitely say there have been some injuries the extent of which we are still trying to. um uh gather information on however uh we uh mainly want to uh. 6 like emphasize that the students island uh we're facing right now is a form of repression by the police and the university. but that it doesn't compare to oppose the ants are suffering cause of right now, which is what we are on the street for. but it has been increase or has in baton hits broken from the bones and structures of the like a you a you of a, of
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a mindset at the moment to i would say we group and decide what your tactics may be when you continue. will you stop or when you just try and put pressure on the authorities from a different direction. so we have uh, had negotiations with the the board of directors of our university. they have seized those negotiations with us. um, but we are not defeated. we want to, uh, keep on going, we want to take this further, but now we're already seeing a lot of response from the dutch society in general, joining us on the street to the point that it's going beyond student protests, but also be to, to a general critique of. 5 the freedom of expression in our country, especially in regards to the matter that was fine and the track attendance kind of post special. um yes. so we had seen the student movements uh,
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are useful and actually can achieve things. so we are in a spirit of keeping this is going to leave it the because i think we've got general just of what's going on and keep safe, and hopefully we'll speak to getting in the future. thanks very much for your time and joining us. and so the thank you. thank you. it still has a fall down to the railway line. so funneled chinese goods. it's essentially a, remind jonah, and hungry with china is spending billions on manufacturing an infrastructure to cement its own. the foothold in new york in union the had a lot of this and welcoming weather has arrived in se agent and places that have been sizzling and recent weeks. but before we get that, let's have
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a look down on the in australia and some wet weather is pushing its way further east bringing a threat of flooding to the likes of queensland and a new south wales on thursday in to friday. we've also got some coastal showers that remain consistent for places like sydney and this might be rather dry over the past few days. we all going to see some wet weather start to march its way into post of the next few days, bringing a chance of thunder. rashaw was there on friday. the showers on saturday will cool things down. that we think something of a cool down across new zealand thanks to a southerly flow of and that will support some snow flurries to parts of the south island and look for the weather here on the north island on thursday. rise up on friday. we 1st shot was coming in to the south of the south island. the temperature will be pushing up for christ church and temperatures have come down across indo china as we move to south east asia. it does remain rather humid, but those numbers have dropped into that west to whether starting to push its way for the south. we are expecting some very heavy falls to start to work their way
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across the malay peninsula. on friday. the, the latest news as it breaks online banking apps rely on vaccine center. but of those states are experiencing an intimate blackout with detailed coverage. the majority of the front runners and these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted in corruption scheme from around the world. this is the asian highlight for think, talk correct me or what is an area that the s i c hit being pushed as of a 106 kilometers, stretch of remote and powerless jungle. only land route to south america for migrants. city, the size of the united states a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for comp, this families, it's
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a risk they are willing to take full lines in the box on this. i'm forgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on up jersey to the the the book about what you all just there was news with me. so rob, the reminder of all the top stories. israel has been bombarding ross, or in southern guns or 48 times a foot soldier, sees the main border crossing between district on egypt. at least 30 people were killed in various fonts across casa, on wednesday. and the us president says that he will stop supplying weapons to israel if it launches an assault on the process that comes after the us can decide
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to pause, a weapon shipment is violated, concerns, as well, isn't addressing the safety of civilians. let's go on this with phyllis, spanish, a fellow at the institute for policy studies while she directs the new internationalism project drawing stuff from washington dc. miss, but it's good to have you with us on. i'll just say, i'm just wondering how much pressure the us president has been and to make such a bold statement if i can just again, just quote him saying to cnn civilians have been killed in gauze as a consequence of those problems. and other ways in which they go after population centers, please talk you about those 2000 pound buttons that the us has sent israel. and this is an incredibly important it moves. first of all, every bomb that is held back by washington means fewer palestinians will be killed . we've seen 30 people killed just in the last 24 hours in and around rough. uh, this notion though, this is not a, not,
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this notion that they will withhold more of the weapons artillery shells and others . if israel attacks russia, does not take into account that israel is already bombing russell. so this is not the ceasefire that people all around the world and across the united states for demand. so it is an important move. it does show how the movement, the demand for a cease fire is having an impact on the white house. they have a desperate to get out from under this divide. yeah, i do apologize if i didn't mean to interrupt that, miss bennett, i'm just wondering that sort of the political full allowance as well. because obviously does the social pressure that's happening across the university campuses as we just mentioned now spreading to amsterdam in the netherlands. but the, in the last 24 hours, we've had the statements about, as you say, these weapons not being delivered to israel, a polls perhaps, or a cancellation is a dropped in the ocean to was already gold. and some might say,
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it's just too little too late. either is to put pressure on this rainy gulf, but that seems to be very single minded about what it wants to do, what it wants to achieve. and that's absolutely right. i think that we have to be clear that the demand for a ceasefire is not being met with these actions. it is important because it's never too liberal. it might be one life saved with one bomb. these 2000 pound bonds routinely kill, doesn't scores more than a 100 people at a time from just that one bond. and this one of the package that was being withheld apparently had more than 1200 of those 2000 pound bonds. so that's not enough. but it is very far from what is required, hardly because as you say, israel has received an enormous amount of weapons from the united states already and more are underway. congress has just voted to send $26000000000.00 worth of
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military aid and related support to israel in, you know, in a situation in which there is no accountability. there is no conditionality for the violations of international law under which these weapons are going to be use the weapons that are being withheld now or any part of that new package of $26000000000.00 worth. this was an old agreement from a long time ago. from several years ago that only now they decided was a good time because these really says they need more and they're pulling it back, which is good. it's important and it is not enough. do you think this any coincidence in the fact that the state department, what to issue a reports about with a they have involvement in the war and gauze and the support, the israel that they've given breaches, humanitarian little that was supposed to be delivered. i think it was 24 hours ago, according to our correspondent mike kinda who's in, in washington,
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2 secretary clinton that has not been released. so that will be other calls for that. but the random report, however, it's being presented to be released to government officials or to the wide public. do you think there is a correlation between the 2? and i think there are many factors that are correlating with this. and one of them is certainly the report which is now as you say, 24 hours late beyond the deadline. but aside from the deadline, the problem has been that an earlier report indicated that the state department was going to find that there were no violations in gaza. that there may have been a violation some other time, some other place. but the extraordinary level of violations of international humanitarian law, the laws of war that were found by the international court of justice to be plausibly janice thought there is no acknowledgement to that. and if that report comes out now saying, we don't find that there are any violations there will be held to pay in the
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internal dynamics of the, the kind and ministration which is divided over this issue within the democratic party as well as on the campuses across this country and around the world, it's not only in other words, it's also mexico, germany, other countries around the world are seeing campuses interrupting. just as it's something you have to leave it that i'm sure we talk to you again about this, i'm sure and then not too distant future. always good to have you on the program. and thanks for your time. thank you. west coast, all racing against talking to each of these $39.00 people dropped under clamps, building in the city of georgia in south africa. now the building was under construction when it went down 2 days ago, coming at least 8 people, somebody. the miller has more from george in the western cape provence. more than 48 hours off to this building. and george and the wisdom k province collapsed. emergency personnel are still looking for survivors. multi story apartment building was under construction, 75 workers on site when it went down. stephen mongo has not heard from his aunts
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and cousins who worked his team as being he and others wait outside the school for what the latest risk of attempts and as the hours go by, this is becoming increasingly worried, but we keep waiting here in this place by the we don't know where what is going on according to our lives, because sees this up and we don't get the exact rate information. and this morning that came out with the update. but the update which though was giving us well and not up to see it because we don't know where it is while it is. but now it's not you knowing what caused the dissolves to build them a combo has been sleeping in the hole for 2 nights. hoping to find out any news about a cousin who also worked on the site. she tries to keep other concerned family members updated as much as possible. but there's little to say, they told us that they can hear the found over one. pacing, which is the trying so has to have that pass and out
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over night. it was good news for some as another 2 people were found to live. and i think the fact that you're working with concrete, then you're working with reinforced concrete and steel and just the sheer weight and the size of it. it might be a large number, 7475 people, but it's full of flux, though revolving. and it's very difficult to find people, you know, you have to do a extensive search results with size make search equipment. dozens of people have been taken to hospital many in critical condition. several children to collapse. risk is have to dig through large amounts of concrete and steel listening fro. any noise from below that to me indicates someone's there. as always, possibly becoming increasingly worried about how badly some of the survivors may have been injured. as we phone rescue was cool for silence. they think they've heard something, but as the minutes go by,
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no luck this time. and the next thing that i want to see my aunt and had to do. and that's what they want. but the hopes of many, like stephen, depend on the risk you work is getting to those who are trapped as fast as possible to meet them out to 0. george chinese present changing things as well as and hungry for the final stop on is does it to europe. china has invested face to $10000000.00 in manufacturing. an infrastructure in the country and prime minister to open is came to maintain good times. with a major economic putnam, she began his europe in trip in friends, followed by a visit to serve you to hold her pulse the from the press is a construction site for now near the city of deborah, send in eastern hungry that only hints that its future significance, it's the country's largest of a direct investment project,
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an $8000000000.00 chinese factory that will produce lucy of mine, electric vehicle, batteries, chinese batteries for chinese, cause to be sold inside the european union. it's also we're hungry, emerging opposition leader has been making inroads on the campaign trail through in crowds and the traditional hoc lands of the ruling feed as policy for 2 things. oh no, it's unrelated just to you to around the deborah sense 7, the chinese method effect 3 on the construction and the, the arrow more is that more than for what the 1000 people be brought from from ambrose and people in are they worried about? yes, i'm not even on the go a gathering like this would mean and think of with chinese investments in this country. seeing is delivering little fraud re fee for a galvanizing support for $1.00 time government inside of p to my yeah, it's early days yet, but there is
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a sense of politically change is being built on the back of china's role in hungary, the prime minister, victor oil band has long no tube will relations with china is she didn't thing hungry is the only e u. member participating in china is built in rhode initiative. and while the you generally tries to limit the chinese economic influence or band keeps the back door wide open, offering investment friendly opportunities for china to avoid e, you import tatters. the government has but a few friends in the european union ending abroad that transatlantic alliance. so the government is looking for new friends and try nice is somebody who is interested in having a very good friend within the european union. this, this railway line is being upgraded, that chinese expense, connecting budapest, bob bel grade to the greek port of peter reyes. now controlled by china, eventually it will transport chinese goods at high speed into central europe and
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borrowing political upheaval that few c s m, and it's another project that will help segments. china is only foothold inside the european union. during a whole elder 0 deborah sent sioux falls to head on out of the north grizzly to pays tribute to the man who masterminded the country. international image for sol, suite generations of the cuban dentist, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the
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book of document known as the master of north korea and propaganda has died at the age of 94. came keen. um, so 3 generations of the notes ruling. somebody, tennessee mcbride reports not for me, so as north korea's mazda propagandist and kim ki nam health cement the lower of the came family, tennessee. as assigned if it's important to cover and through the kim jong and lead overnight tribute to his mental state run media. use of jobs to his memory, the reading and the whole was abrupt in store for the loss of a veteran of our policy. and the revolution may even be starting with chemo. so north korea's founding father, tim key, nam, witness the passing of power through 3 generations. a unique event in the communist world. although not that well known outside of north korea, kim ki mamms, legacy will be the remarkable propaganda machine he helped to create. that's been
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developed in recent years with the hollywood style amaica and attempts to transition to an age of social media. more recent musical creations idolizing came young men have gone viral, finding a global audience. bias has to be done as a result seems reaching the age of 4 to this year, or did receive strong efforts to upgrade his position to absolute power with control on being referred to as the great father. so and with kim introducing his daughter as a likely 4th generation successor. it's a propaganda effort that shows no signs of slowing down on mcbride. i'll just say era, so that's pretty well. so communicating in a way that's more complex than previously believed. that's the conclusion reached by scientists studying the novels. but such a say that the vehicle calls may be using a phonetic alphabet. it looks bad reports of
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these just clicks. or are we listening to a complex language? that's the question sides as the graphing with which could change our understanding of the joint lorayne metals room. we'll communicate with each other using little bursts of clicking noises. sound called co. does that sound a little bit like morse code? or research shows that these code is how complex internal structure with similar is similarities to aspects of some other animal communication systems and even some aspects of human language. the research has a power of the project safety dissertation, translation initiative, machine learning team. they've examines move, and 8700 audio snippets of spin while clicks known as coaches. scientists have been trying for decades to understand what those clicks might mean . while they still don't know, they now think there are 6 of clicks that make up of the music. elsie's, that the way it was,
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mice used to build the rough equivalence of woods and phrases to project studies really focused on listening. right now. this is an incredibly vulnerable population, especially transmitted communication system that we really don't want to just stir up. and so right, we're just at the very beginning of this process. and i think there's a lot more research that we have to do before we know whether it's a good idea to try to communicate with them or really even they have a sense of whether that will be possible. this experience safety miles seemed to have sophisticated social ties and deciphering their communication systems could reveal parallels with human language and society. those some believe the cliques may be more akin to music if they are indeed speaking. the big question is, what are they saying? and could we learn to speak back? alex bid,
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which is 0. you can follow that story on our website to announce the comments uptake just 24 hours a day. the clock is here with melanie's on the other side. of the break to stay with the summer, which is the despite has excited former catalog leader carlos whose demo is set to run for president when the spanish region polls early elections. could this political return reignite the separatists bid for independence? and how would it impact spain's political landscape, the catalonia elections on a jersey to your wells, the caught a duty and a growth viewing for the p. use a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the card. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the caught on red crescent. and remember the copy revised wells and increases
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systems costs on request a sort of 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm into the how to rubik language world wide shade come out. award for translation and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website w, w. w dot h t a dot q a forward slash
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e m the . ringback the further by the instruct me, is it to stop supplying weapons to his read that launches in the salt on the raw, for any admits us, problems have counts for the ends in terms of the on the clock. this is out 0 life. the holes are coming in. israel strikes targets from northern garza to the south. tell us again, homes have been hits, can be at least 30 people, including children. another mass graves discover that our ship, our hospital complex in gauze or a month south to is ready forces withdrew $49.00 forties,


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