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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 4, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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maria: good monday morning,
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everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, march 4, you 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. customs and border protection data revealing the number of chinese migrants encountered at the san diego sector of the southern border is exceeding that of mexican nationals now. chinese nationals who are coming to the country look largely military aged and they are coming in consistently. i spoke with kansas senator roger marshall on sunday morning futures about the explosion of these nationals coming in and what they're doing once they get there. china backed human trafficking traffickingand massage parlors t a front. >> the chinese triad, an organized crime unit, multinational, been around for hundreds of years is behind this and wherever you're seeing fentanyl trafficking, you're going to see human trafficking
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explode as well. it goes back to the chairman mao when he had ccp labs making methamphetamine precursors, now they're making fentanyl precursors, down to an art now and we're seeing this explosion of massage parlors which the chinese triad is running. we have more massage parlors than starbucks in kansas. i think that can be said in most every state. the chinese triad is very sophisticated, harvard trained lawyers, harvard trained accountants that mastered the money laundering part of this so you're going to see massage parlors pr spring up and next to them might be a restaurant, hair salon, nail salon, those types of things. maria: this is incredible, liz peek. he said there are more massage parlors in kansas than starbucks and these are fronts for human trafficking and china is in charge of this. >> yeah. the death toll and misery toll from joe biden's open border continues to grow, maria and it
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is astonishing to me all this information about how neither joe biden nor kamala harris ever talked to the head of the border patrol. why aren't they doing their job? i don't know any american, left, right or sensor the, w -- cente, who thinks our country is safe when we have this open border. we have terrorists coming through. we have criminals coming through and, yes, tens of thousands of military aged young men coming from china and you know china doesn't let that happen by accident. this is a purposeful flow of people into our country. every american should be wanting and demanding to know from the biden administration why is this happening. who is looking after these people? we know that they're just released into the country. so who is following up on them? does the fbi know where they are or are they too busy raiding mar-a-lago? i think this is so offensive, maria, i can't even -- i can't get my words enough to say it. maria: it is offensive.
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and the fact that, you know, mark, people are coming through the open border, breaching into america illegally and then they have to pay the drug cartels so, sure, they get their feet here in america and then they have to pay up so what they doing? they're being told they have to work in massage parlors. they're becoming indentured servants. they are modern day slaves in this country as prostitutes. this is disgusting. and if roger marshall knows this, because he's getting all this information, the white house and the fbi know this. why aren't they shutting these companies down? >> yeah. you know, and look, i mean, i think you mentioned this on thursday. i forget what you said but it was something along the lines of like the dollars when it comes to human trafficking will exceed drug trafficking or something like that within the next few years. maria: that's right. >> so look, human trafficking is certainly a big business and it's scary. i mean, for a father of three young children, i know they're not getting smuggled across the border but it's scary.
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that's something that's front and center in my mind that i have to worry about on a daily basis if i take my kids to the maul shopping as an example but it's a concern. when you look at what the ccp's been doing, they like to fight dirty and we all know their economy is imploding because they built tons and tons and tons of ghost towns with nobody living in them. so when they are undergoing pain, they want to inflict that pain on their competitors and their adversaries. they view us as adversaries. we don't view them apparently as an adversary. we want to play nice with everybody. i can tell you, look, if what is going on with the ccp, if what's going on with the drug cartels, because the drug cartels are for profit enterprises, making billions and billions of dollars a year. all that money flows right back into the mexican economy. so you know the mexican government's not going to enforce them. they want that money coming through. but you look at all these things that are going on, and i can tell you, if trump were in
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office right now, he would be doing something about it. there would be sanctions or tariffs, there would be something against the ccp. something against mexico and the cartels. maria: well, one thing that peter schweizer said yesterday, the president of the government accountability institute, he's out with a he blowout book called blood money and how important people in america blow-off the atrocities of communist china and allowed this to continue but he said with regard to the border, he said and the drug trade, it's really the ccp behind the drug trade in the united states. they're in charge, they are directing the mexican cartels. watch this. we've been talking about the mexican cartels, the dangerous drug cartels in charge. you said they're not in charge, they're junior partner. >> the precursors of fentanyl come in china. guess who runs the international terminal where 90% of the precussers flow? a chinese company.
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the precursors are shipped to a town in northern mexico where with according to our own federal government 2,000 chinese nationals just happen to be in this mexican town and they take those precursors and turn them into fentanyl. maria: liz, the drug cartels used to launder their money through latin american banks. not anymore. they're going to state run chinese banks right now to do the money laundering for the drugs. >> y maria, remember in 2023 there were 112,000 people who died in the united states from fentanyl poisoning. 112,000. we get really worked up about traffic deaths. that was under 20,000. this is a gigantic problem. who is dying? young people and people of color primarily. where's joe biden on this? doesn't the black community or hispanic community care about young people basically dying on the streets from fentanyl?
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this is a horror show and again, forgive my outrage at it but really it is just preposterous that no one talks about this, except for you and a very few other people in the media. and no one's anything about it. maria: and the administration needs to stop calling it overdoses. these are not overdoses. these are poisonings, okay. >> it's poisoning. maria: they didn't overdose because they wanted to take fenced nil, no, no, they were poisoned and also by the way there are much more potent drugs on the market coming out of china as well. roger marshall said there's something called carfentanil which is more potent and dangerous and that's coming into america right now. it's disgusting and it needs to stop. we're just getting started. we have a lot coming up. markets are on the move ahead of a major week of retail earnings and jay powell's testimony on capitol hill. we'll talk with the word on wall street panelists coming up with their expectations, what will jay powell say about lower
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street. top investors watching your money. joining me is constellation research ceo and author of everybody wants to rule the world, ray wong back with us. also with us is mark tepper this morning. ray, thanks for joining the conversation. we appreciate your time, mark, i want to look at markets this morning and what this first full trading week of march will look like. take a look at interest rates this morning as futures indicate a mixed opening dow industrials down 97, nasdaq is up 2 and three quarters as the power and promise of a.i. continues of we've got federal reserve chairman jay powell on the hill
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this week, he's got his testimony, he'll speak to the house financial services committee on wednesday and senate banking committee on thursday. lawmakers will focus on the central bank's handling of inflation and plans to raise capital requirement as well as plans to cut interest rates, mark. what do you think is going to be said at this humphrey hawk o hus testimony. >> inflationary data has not been fantastic. if you look at the year over year numbers, yeah, they seem to be trending lower but i mean, 0.4% month over month, that's a high number. and that equates to 4.8% over the course of a year on a run rate basis which is over twice the fed's target so it looks like it would be very, very difficult for the fed to cut rates. do i think it will be a market mover? interestingly enough, maria, we came into this year expecting,
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what, six and-a-half to seven rate cuts this. year.maria: that was fantasy. >> we're down to three and-a-half and the market is up 7 and-a-half percent. the market has done a good job of shrugging that stuff off and instead focusing on a.i. and the glp-1 drugs like ozempic. that's what's keeping the market going. when you look at the market's performance, it's been a great start to the year, the first two months were incredibly strong, up 7 and-a-half percent or so through the end of february and was whenever that's the case when you go back through history and look at different time frames, the next 10 months are always strong as well so 14 out of the 15 best performing january and februaries were positive to the tune of an average additional 10% so, look, the ma market could certainly maintain the bull rally, keep going, even in the face of jay powell coming out and saying we may not cut until the fourth quarter. maria: look, all spot-on as usual, mark. but listen, let's remember we've
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got other things that may very well create momentum or the opposite this week. you've got the jobs numbers and then what about this appropriations bill issue. they pushed the deadline for the funding out a couple of weeks until march 22nd but this upcoming week we could see another potential government shutdown. they've got six appropriations bills that are likely to pass into law this week. that leaves six more for the march 22nd deadline. nondefense flat, defense spending up 3 and a quarter percent and then you've got the jobs numbers out on friday released at you 8:30. we'll have all hands on deck. these two issues could come into play, right. these six appropriation bills, energy, water, commerce, just justice, military construction and transportation. >> the jobs numbers are going to be made up fictitious numbers. when you look at what happened in 2023, we lost around 90,000 full-time jobs and added over
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800,000 part-time jobs. i mean, that is not indicative of an incredibly strong economy to he me. when we talk about government spending i'll wrap up real quickly here but, look, in the fourth quarter gdp growth was positive 330 billion. it cost us a new issuance of dent to the tune of 830 billion to lead to 330 billion of economic growth. we have to rain in the spend -- flarein in the spending, we can keep spending a trillion dollars of deficit spending every day. changes have to happen soon. maria: we don't have -- i wanted to ask about nvidia and a.i. stocks but of courses been pretty bullish on that area. we're going to keep checking on that. nasdaq is up 9 points, extending the record performance we've seen in the last week. mark, you're with us all morning. wappreciate t.
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my next guest introduced legislation that would block biden from delivering the state of the union address. why aren't we getting the information from biden? iowa senator joni ernst is here with more on that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care.
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>> the question in this election is whether the foreign armies of joe biden smuggled across our border, he's letting armies of people come in. military age. we are not going to allow them to stay in our country. you have to see, the prison population all over the world is at the lowest point it's been in many decades because they're dumping their prisoners into our country. doesn't the stupid guy understand this? maria: wow. that was president trump on saturday, warning about these armies of military aged men crossing into america, president biden's wide open of border enabling this. he talked about that campaigning in richmond over the weekend. hundreds of mourners attended the georgia nursing student laken riley's funeral on friday, it happened at a church outside of atlanta on friday. riley was murdered by allegedly
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by an illegal migrant last month. laken's mother adding the slogan, hashtag say her name. president biden has still not said laken's name at all. phillips is also posting about her daughter's murder, calling it, quote, sen senseless, an avoidable tragedy. joining us now is senator joni ernst, the ranking member of the senate small business committee the. this is disgusting the way you look at this. anybody looking at this knows that this person who murdered laken riley came into this country in september of 2022 through el paso, he would not have been able to do that without this wide open border. >> absolutely, maria. you are spot-on. let's say her name, laken riley. i can also say other names. one in particular, sarah root. we have seen a number of prill
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brilliant young americans that have lost their lives at the hands of illegal immigrants. i do have legislation that would address this situation of detaining illegal migrants who bodily injure or kill american citizens. i've been working on this legislation for eight years now, since sarah root, a young iowan was killed at the hands of an illegal migrant. it's a huge issue. maria: do you think the president's going to raise this at the state of the union? i mean, can he actually do an entire state of the union and not mention laken riley being murdered by an illegal? he's delivering -- i know you and congressman buddy carter have a bill that says, look, you're not going to be invited to address congress, we will bar biden from aaddressing congress until biden provides congress with his national security strategy and budget request. how is it possible that you still don't have a national security strategy?
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>> exactly. i want to thank congressman buddy carter as well. i know you had him on earlier. it is unfathomable that we do not have a national security strategy from the president. nor do we have his budget for the upcoming fiscal year. and because of that, we want to stop him from actually delivering the state of the union. going back to laken riley, do i think that he will bring this up in the state of the union? absolutely not. why would he bring a focus on the failures of hads his failur, number one, the border, number two, americans that are losing their lives at the hands of illegal migrants and fentanyl. maria: before i move on, i want to continue on the state of the union, katie brit is going to be delivering the alabama senator will be delivering the republican response to the state of the union on thursday. you gave the gop response to
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president obama's state of the union back in 2015. let's listen to that. here's a bit of your speech. watch. >> tonight, though, rather than respond to a speech, i'd like to talk about your priorities. i'd like to have a conversation about the new republican congress you just elected and how we plan to make washington focus on your concerns again. maria: do you feel that this has been the issue, that you've been focused on voter concerns? do you have any advice for katie brit? >> well, katie is fantastic. i can't think of any better person to deliver the response to the president's state of the union. katie, be strong. she is outstanding. she is the future of the republican party. and i am so grateful she was chosen. maria: let me get your take on the business at hand a. senator, are you expecting that six appropriation bills will pass into law this week? >> well, i am hopeful.
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we have had these bills in front of us for over seven months now. leader schumer has refused to bring them up even though they've been out of committee. let's pray that we can get this done. maria: we need more than prayers, don't we need more than prayers? i mean, seriously. you've got a government shutdown deadline coming up and then another one a couple of weeks ahe way. you don't have a budget from the president. you don't have a national security strategy from the president. what is the state of the union in terms of joni ernst's outlook? >> well, it's pretty dismatt dismalright now. these bills have passed out of the senate appropriations committee over seven months ago and yet leader schumer absolutely refused to bring them forward on the floor of the senate. so this responsibility is at his feet. we don't have the president's budget. so you can see that democrats are slowing down the process.
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in order to get large packages passed through the senate and the house. so it's a sad state of affairs when we try to get back to regular order, we are stymied by the democrats at every point of the way. yes, we do need to get these done. i will remain optimistic but there has to be discussion between the house and senate on how we move forward. maria: i want to get your take on what one of your colleagues told me yesterday on sunday morning futures and that of course is kansas senator roger marshall, because he's talking about this new way that the chinese communist party is undermining america. he said, well, peter schweizer said the chinese communist party is in charge of the drug trade in america. the mexican cartels are the junior partner and what is the ccp doing? they're actually putting women to work in massage parlors, setting up massage parlors all over america as a front and it's all you human trafficking. here's the senator with me yesterday.
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i've got to get your reaction. watch. >> right. so we have more massage a parlors than we do have tar bucks in can -- starbucks than in kansas. this chinese triad, they are sophisticated. listeners need to understand this is not the dirty workers like the cartel. the cartel is doing the dirty work. the chinese triad is sophisticated harvard trained lawyers and accountants that master the money laundering part of this so you're going to see massage parlors spring up and then next to them might be a restaurant, might be a hair salon, a nail salon, those types of things. maria: what can you tell us about this, senator? >> yes. and i can't speak to the massage parlor part of this but what i can speak to is the fact that, yes, those mexican cartels are running those drugs for the chinese communist party. and they are dumbing down america through the use of
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tiktok and other social media platforms. they are delivering the drugs straight to the doorsteps of our teens and young adults you through those social media platforms. this has got to end. we have to push back on those cartels. we've got to secure our borders. and certainly we need to be taking it to the chinese communist party. has got to. mto stop.maria: how come the rs hbeen unable to secure the border. >> we have attempted everything from ideas on legislation but we've been stymied by the president, by the democratic party. the build it act, we take the terms that were purchased during the trump administration and give them to states that want to secure their own border, even that has been stopped by democrats in the senate. it's common sense. we need to secure the border. all of these things we can do in conjunction with those state
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governors but, again, we just keep getting stopped at every possible avenue. maria: do you have a favorite in terms of leadership in the senate now that we learned mitch mcconnell will be stepping down and not seeking re-election after november. >> i have worked with all a of those members that have thrown their names out there for leader and i think we have an opportunity to have new republican leadership. i think that this can be a great step forward. we need to unify the party. we need to make sure that we come out of this stronger than ever, hopefully we have a republican administration that we will be working with and certainly key to this, we must secure the senate a majority. maria: so real quick, jd vance was with me yesterday and here's what he said about new leadership in the senate. watch. >> i think we have to use this leadership election to turn the page on republican senate leadership, maria. you cannot have a senate
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republican leader who is far more obsessed with securing ukraine's border than he is focused on the american border. you can't have a senate republican leader who seems to ooze hatred and dismay for the very people who vote most of the republican elected leaders. our base, i happen think they're good people and we should listen to them more than we do. maria: your reaction, senator? >> yes, i do think this is a great opportunity. we have to be able to work in conjunction with the administration. again, hopefully we have a republican administration. we need someone that will work with that administration, secure the border. that should be number one. that's just simply common sense. we've got to do it. maria: all right. senator, good to talk with you this morning. thanks very much for being here. >> thank you, maria. maria: senator joni ernst joining us this morning in new york. quick break and then super tuesday happening tomorrow, president trump could have the gop nomination locked up within two weeks. march 12 or so. and we do have one win from
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nikki haley over the weekend. she won the primary in washington, d.c. not enough to take trump down, however. chief pollster robert c kahaliys here to weigh in on that. stay with us. ♪ girls just want to have fun. ♪ at ameriprise financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work.
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and hamas to start immediately and she's calling for israel's government to release palestinian prisoners in exchange for israeli hostages. watch. >> i will repeat, the threat of hamas poses to the people of israel must be eliminated. and given the immense scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease fire. for at least the next six weeks which is what is currently on the table. >> so this comes as hamas rejected a complete list of hostages that are still alive resulting in israel boycotting gaza cease fire talks in cairo. an israeli official says hamas refuses to give clear answers and there's no reason to dispatch the israeli delegation. a new wall street journal poll finds 40% of americans thinks
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israel's response to hamas has gone too far, 19% say not far enough. 24% said it's just about right. so we should say that the vice president is expected to meet with benny gantz later today. an oregon dad indicted on charges he drugged his daughter's friends during a sleepover at his home, michael maiden, turning himself in after he was charged with multiple felonies and misdemeanors over the august 2023 sleepover. several girls allege he gave them smoothies laced with sedatives. one girl managed to text her parent before falling you asleep. they tested positive for an unknown prescription drug. he has pled not gil guilty. get out the balloons. a potential helium reservoir has
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been discovered in medicine sew take take. one of the rigs made the find at the t topaz project drill site. helium is popular for balloons and blimps and critical for the semiconductor and defense industries. a lot of excitement around this. iowa's katlyn clark making history breaking the ncaa's all-time scoring report during g the final home game of her career. watch. >> this for college basketball history. she does it with a foul shot. katlyn clark becomes the all-time leading scorer. >> clark finishing the game with 35 points to take down number two ranked ohio state, officially outscoring lsu legend pistol pete maravich at the free flow line. >> it was cool to hear
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everybody start screaming. that gave us a lot of momentum going into half time. i'm glad to make the free throws. that's the hardest thing to do. >> she's got 3,685 points under her belt as her team heads into the post season and next up, maria, the wnba draft. pretty she's going to get a good spot. maria: that is awesome. i love watching that, cheryl. >> me too. maria: presidential candidates meanwhile making their final push ahead of super tuesday, this is the biggest day of the year's primary campaign, tomorrow. it's voters in 15 states plus one tterritory, they'll cast thr ballots tomorrow, more than 800 r800republican delegates are p for grabs. former u.n. ambassador nikki haley ending former president donald trump's undefeated primary win yesterday because nnikki won her first primary
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yesterday in washington, d.c. a new fox news poll shows that trump has the edge over president biden in a potential 2024 he rematch, 49% of voters say they support trump, 47% said they support biden. nikki haley fares better than trump in a race against biden b. joining us now the trafalgar group, robert cahaly. robert, great to see you. we want to get your take on where we are in the race at this point. what's most stunning or what's your most important take away about the polls that you're looking at? >> trump's dominant. he's absolutely in the state, many of which neither candidate has campaigned in, some of which the haley campaign spent a lot of money on tv and she won d.c. i don't think you build momentum
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with that. maybe if she's lucky she can use the mondale strategy and win minnesota too. the republican primary is reinforcing what they say. maria: we should point out that washington, d.c. is seen as a democrat sort of liberal leaning region and she won it but she's got one win on her belt. i want to look at some of these movements for trump, he though. when it looks at some of the swing districts or some of the groups that he's been trying to resonate with, so we've got this new fox news poll, it shows 28% of black voters support former president trump and in a rematch against president biden that's seven times the number of black voters who supported him in 2020. trump also sees near record support among hispanics, 48% and
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51% support among voters under 30. 8% of democrats also support trump in a head to head race against b biden. walk us through some of the polls and polls conducted on some of these group. >> that's exactly right, maria. one of the things that we found is that when you look at these -- all these groups, all we hear about is there's this very small undecided middle and every year each party a has to fight for i. trump is saying i don't want to fight for them. i want to fight for people that are hard core voters for the other side and when you look at it, if he does those kind of numbers with the african-americans, those kind of numbers with hispanics, those kind of numbers with young people, then all this talk about a very small margin of swing voters seems like folly and you wipe out that base of the
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democrats and the election's over. the other thing is, many of these polls that are out there that are just showing head to head, i think we're clear now, we're not getting a head to head race in these battleground states they include the possibility of the candidate getting on the ballot and the possibility also of having other candidates, no labels, cornell west, those are the way these general elections should be measured now. maria: nikki haley ruled out the no labels presidential bid. a lot of people were wondering what she's going to do. is she trying to appeal to the democrats to say, look, i'll be your candidate if you want to dump joe. we don't know. this poll finds 58% of voters disapprove of the job president biden is doing in the white house, 42% say they aapprove of it. a majority of voters say the biden administration has mostly failed on the handling of the
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economy, on making the u.s. safe, unifying the country, improving border security. these are all things important to american voters. >> absolutely. that's why the republicans should continue to address them and need to recognize that among that disapproval number are people that republicans need to be fighting for in the fall or at least making sure that those people go to someone besides by den. in either -- besides biden. maria: how do you think the race plays out in november, real quick before we go. >> at this point notwithstanding what the democrats could build with their machine, it is set for republicans to win very big. can they counter act the democrat machine is what the fall is all about. maria: we'll leave it there. reberobert cahaly. thank you for joining us.
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another business shuts its doors, said b good-bye to a blue state. madison alworth has all the details. >> recomngton gun maker is saying good-bye. they're pointing to policies as one of the reasons why they're fleeing. we'll tell you where they're going and what it means for this town after this. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. before you use ai to transform business, accelerate growth, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance. helping you govern any ai, as data, models, and policies change,
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then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. maria: welcome back. historic gun maker remmington saying good-bye to new york. fox business''s madison alworth is live with the latest. madison. >> reporter: good morning, maria. today is the last day of work here at the remmington factory in new york after 208 years. they are closing up shop saying good-bye to new york and consolidating to georgia. a state much more friendly to the firearm industry. with this move, the oldest gun maker in america is leaving behind hundreds of employees, many of whom worked for the company for generations. >> my wife and i worked there, have two daughters that work there, and a son-in-law that works there. we're all going to be out of a job. iwe're all workers.
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we're going to find work after remmington but working for remmington was a great thing in my life. >> reporter: the mayor whose dad worked for remmington for 37 years tells fox business the loss of remmington is as much a cultural loss for the village as it is a financial loss. and that financial loss it is significant. the village will lose $1 million in revenue when remmington leaves, 1 million in a $14 million budget is a good hit. the pair says the plan is to increase property taxes by 3% or less on residents to make up part of the difference. elected officials in new york say the laws pushed the gun maker out. congresswoman elise stefanik saying in part, it's because of new york democrats' unconstitutional gun grab policies that the oldest gun manufacturer in the country has been run out to the state. remmington has been hit with financial problems, filing for
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bankruptcy twice in 2018 and 2020 and they the 2022 the company paid $73 million as part of a lawsuit involving the sandy hook mass shooting. when the factory closes today, 300 people will be out of a job, that's in a town of 7,800 and it's not just those folks that are worried. it's all the small businesss in the village that rely on those workers and rely on their business. they're concerned too. i'll send it back to you. maria: madison, thanks very much. madison alworth. liz peek, i want to get your take on this and a i think this is even not just about blue cities and blue states and their horrible tax treatment of american companies but it also could be a situation tied to potentially russia because on october 13th, 2 2020, vista outdoor required certain assets related to the ammunition and accessories business including the manufacturing facility and
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remmington brand and trademarks for $81 million. your thoughts. >> i think there are a lot of reasons why someone would want to move out of new york state. taxes are just part of the puzzle, right? the state is always ranked among the worst business states in the country. why is that? because we have so many rules and regulations that impede hiring, that require enormous amounts of filing on issues like diversity, and what kind of people you're hiring and you can't ask people about whether or not they've been in prison. you could go on and on with the rules and regulations that make new york terrible. let's remember donald trump's situation. this company makes guns. what's less popular amongst new york progressives than people who make guns? how likely is it that one of their ceos or one of their top people get into trouble for opposing a gun law in new york and all of a sudden they get fined for enormous amounts of
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money for some bogus trial like donald trump has done in new york state. so he said after he got this enormous whopper of a fine, you know, this is going to make other people think twice about being in new york. i think that's true. i don't think that's necessarily the direct reason that remmington is moving out of this state but i think it's another piece of the puzzle. maria: yeah. but i also want to say that vista is selling to a check slovakian company. america needs ammunition companies in america. they're in the middle of selling to a czech slovakian company. >> we've exhausted our ammunition supply which is not good. we continue send our ammunitin and stockpile to ukraine. we're at a severe disadvantage. you look at new york, chicago,
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illinois, not business friendly climates. high risk, too much crime and too much regulation. the list goes on and on. we continue to see companies like this relocating and moving towards more business friendly states like florida and texas. maria: i want to say claudia tenney has spoken about this a lot and senator vance is urging the biden administration to investigate the sale of this firearm manufacturer to a kremlin linked foreign company, we'll keep a spotlight on it and have more on it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her.
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maria: good morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. i hope you are having a good monday morning monday, march 4, 8:00 a.m. on the button, about to be at 8:00 a.m. on east one kauntil surl tuesday former president trump would defeat biden in a 2024 rematch, 49% voters say they support trump. more than 47% who say they support biden "new york times" poll shows 73% registered voters face joe biden is jus


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