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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 4A  FOX  March 8, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EST

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roughest part was that even though we said it all morning, that it was going to be worse in the afternoon, it wasn't so bad for many people in the morning. very ventured out, then they had to get home in the afternoon t made for big nightmare. yes, so there is yesterday's number, two out of ten, we will improve that for today. temperatures, in the 30's, this morning, still may be slippery spots. be sure you're bundle up like bus stop buddy today. a lot of schools going back, but probably on delay. as we continue to recover from those double digit accumulations, and many people did get them. there is the storm. there is the big red l. and it is still not that far away. it is right off the coast of massachusetts right now, it is actually over the coast of massachusetts. so, we're still going to see some wind from that storm. nothing extreme but it will be breezy throughout the afternoon today. but we don't have any more precipitation, it is above freezing and that's a good thing in the city. feels like 27 though. we have enough after breeze to
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give us windchills in the 20's, sunrise time is 6:24. and har ray, we will see some sunshine, some of you saw sun before the day was through yesterday. even with all of the heavy heavy snow. so we'll probably get to the lower four's by the end of the day today, chilly afternoon, but couple days to recover with sunshine before we do talk about the next possible coastal storm, bob kelly, don't you hate those words now, coastal storm? >> at least i have an irish parade between. let's get rolling, 4:01, live look, county line road, ice ice baby what we are dealing with in the to, black ice, anything that was left over, from yesterday, has that potential of being iced over. even if it is not ice, the slush, like they took a 7-eleven slurpee and through it into the intersection, what we are dealing with this morning, live look here at the 42 freeway, here is i-95, so slow go, slow your roll, this guy needs new headlight here, he has only got the one side
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working. here is the latest from mass transit. amtrak, service suspended until 10:00 a.m. this morning. between new york and boston, this is a left-over from last night. they had some crazy wire problems between new york and trenton all day yesterday. so, amtrak side lined until 10:00 a.m. new jersey transit, they're going to give it a go with a regular schedule. again, all of the bus routes are limp back on one at a time. your best bet, go right to the website, to see if that line is running. the atlantic city rail line service suspended because every residual effect from the amtrak power problems. patco says they're going to give it a whirl this morning, again, expect delays all around the board. septa's regional rails, normal service expected to resume this morning. but expect delays again, especially, as they deal with some downed treason some of those main line routes like the paoli thorndale line. bus routes, they had pushed everybody off into the garage yesterday. couple at a time, they're coming back on line, your best
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bet go, right to set, find your bus route, make sure that that's back on line, so, things will sprinkle and slowly come back to normal, as we roll through the start of our morning rush hour, going to be a rough one, thomas, car glenn it will take a minute. time 403 power outages certainly major problem this morning. look at this video, even sparking power line fires there is was take never bridgewater, new jersey, people that liver in the area we're -- were told to take shelter the storm made its way through, for good reason, never know what's going to happen. good news, encourage, no one injured. >> much of our staff maybe you at home have lost power, pse&g reporting we have more than 100,000 people without power in new jersey, ac electric, we've got about 8,000 folks in the dark. in pennsylvania, peco says, it is more than 59,000 people without power.& take our word for t people without power in bucks and all over the entire area, we'll keep track of the latest
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numbers because there are so many of you have dealing with a lot of problems. let's head back to new jersey, hit hard by the storm. steve keeley in moorestown, pretty rough going trying to get out this morning, right, me? >> reporter: i had a rough go coming home, my normal commute for 20 minutes, three and a half hours, nearly ran out of gas, and i left work with more than a half tank. that tells you how much i was sitting in traffic. and the bigger vehicles going, which you don't even notice on normal basis, little inclines, like the betsy ross bridge, if you weren't going at least 15 miles per hour, you would get stuck, the delaware memorial bridge, people stuck thon for hours, apparently yesterday, and then, on route 130, when you finally got off the bridge there is inch incline you barely ever noticed three big vehicles stuck and that's why it wasn't going anywhere. one of the vehicles somebody's caring this big long cigarette-type speed boat you would see on miami vice, they pick a blizzard to decide there is the day i want to transport this big boat.
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and then a plow even stuck. and then the amazing irony of all irony is watching people get out of their cars with their little shovels trying to dig out a big plow truck that was supposed to be clearing the road for the people with the shovels. it was great to see teamwork moving trees, because nobody was going to move a tree, i'm on the main drag in moorestown, finally get off 130, a tree is across the road, karen, i just saw this morning, you are asking if i'm okay. yes, obviously i am, thank you for urine choir i. it was unreal. then i see everybody just picks up the tree and slides it off the road. but you can see, here is the main drag, here is the yellow line. bob kelly pay attention, listen to there is they don't want you going down chester avenue/river road where it changes to where the high school is. they have cones, barricades across, further up you see why. there are trees and power lines down here on the main road, and so if they're still here unattended on the main road, it tells you how the back roads are, e-mail back and forth with kathy orr, her
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kids' schools are closed moorestown friends schools are closed up the spree, we're on the high school street, bridgeboro road, you can see why schools are closed half of the pse&g power outages, burlington county last guy i talked to, who was trying to get power back on, 45,000, just in this county alone, and yet you see tree, people trying to drive around. here we will walk over here a bit here, why it is safe, and show you, we talked about these pine trees. and i've lived here for 15 years, the pine trees i thought were completely devastated, but apparently still left standing, and they came crashing down here, look at this telephone pole. this was the sticky snow we talked b look, snow sticking all the way up the lent of the pole. sticking on the power lines. and the guys i talked to from pse&g said you didn't even need trees to hit the power lines. you can see the snow and the ice sticking to the lines, right across in front of our truck. just the snow and the ice we'll was bringing down power lines, so, just devestation where ever you are, the police here in moorestown, tell me,
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the roads mostly still impassable, normal big plow trucks i saw did not see during the storm, so they must be busy maybe on the highways like 38. so trouble everywhere, and here is a guy coming up the street here. you got to seep, you got to go slow. he'll make a right. but you can't go around here, it is a one way street right now. again this is the main drag to 130 and then to places like route 38 and the jersey turnpike. so, it is going to be a rough day. sorry to take up all of this time. we will go venture further down toward 38 see what we see. but that gives awe sense from one town how bad this storm was, real devastate errr. >> completely. so glad you made it home. i was looking at your tweets yelling and following the journey backwards, hope you got home safely. we hope most people did, as well. let's get to jenny joyce, we hop across to bucks county and see what the scene is there, jenny? >> reporter: good morning, karen, so the street light behind me here at street and hulmeville roads, the only light on, on this stretch of
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roadway, that is because all of the power is out. so other than that, the strip malls, the wawa behind me, the mickey d's, right across the road, are in the dark this morning. peco is reporting roughly 50,000 outages in bucks county alone. last night, chris o'connell was with the vague a family of bensalem, each member of that clan was taking turns to charge cell phones outside in the family truck. and of course, clear the driveway of all of the snow. last night the i-95 off ramp to street road was shut down after a tractor-trailer got stuck. we saw multiple vehicles stuck in the snow, wheels spinning, until help arrived. it even happened to our news van, chris o'connell, and photographer dave say they'd just helped a woman push her vehicle out of the snow when they got stuck. they got locked in place for roughly two hours before a group of guys helped to shovel them out. and they weren't alone. >> it was a chain reaction up here, i have single axle
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tractor, so i'm stuck, waiting ton wrecker, the guy behind me is waiting on a wrecker. >> this storm right away, when i started hearing branches falling, that start today make me nervous. we have kerosene heaters. i think we'll be okay. and then candles, so maybe some board games. >> plows worked through the night to clear the snow off the roads ahead of the re-freeze, and our drive up here, up 95, to get to bensalem, was very good, main roads clear, the side roads and the dark roads that you need to be careful of. just passing us by during the live report, mini-van went with about 4 inches of snow on its rooftop. that's a reminder headed out this morning, be sure to brush all of the snow, because just going to snack another driver right in the windshieldment back to you guys. >> good advice, jenny, thank you. over to camden county right now in new jersey, say a tree that came down, this is across partridge lane, in cherry hill, so obviously people came out there, they did what they could to warn other drivers, put up cones
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and such. >> it is a good thing it didn't fall on our house, but i regret it is blocking the street. so i just don't want anybody to be hurt. >> all over the place, no matter where you live, and obviously we'll worry about the commute on the way in, all of the slush has frozen back up once again. >> of course danger caused by yesterday's snowstorm still being felt this morning. caution. it says it right there. the sidewalk around the lowe's hotel on market street, it was taped off, off limit, all because of falling ice. caution tape, signs out, there police lights, put up overnight to warn people, walking nearby. yesterday a lot of you told us you heard under this he snow. it is pretty cool. it is just like with a thunderstorm except for rain. you have the snow. so watch our dawn timoney live in hamilton township mercer county when it errupted. >> there it is again. >> oh, my goodness, can you hear that? did you guys hear it? >> we did. wow.
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>> really? >> yes, we heard it. >> mike masco applauding over here. >> yes, mike masco freaking out over here. >> you guys, it is still doing it. it is still doing it. >> come on up here. >> is that making a difference, mike? >> like a little kid. always cool to go through. dangers here, new jersey teach ever, she is okay this morning, she was struck by lightning yesterday while working bus duty. this happened in manchester, new jersey, that's ocean county. she was apparently holding a umbrella when she was struck. a house was also hit. by the way she never lost consciousness, thankfully she is doing just fine this morning. check that off her list, being struck by lightning, my goodness. looking at the power outages, wow, no lights on the board, normally should be looking at a pizza shop, flags blowing in the winds, not today, even power outages certainly down the shore, dealing with that, parts of the town under water as well. you know they always have to deal with the flooding coming up from the back bays. so, we had the full moon, and
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we had all of the rising tides right there. so lot of problems down in ocean city, as well. >> of course things are slowly getting back to normal for public transportation, bob mentioned this, all septa regional rail trains will operate on regular weekday schedule. that goes for the broad street and market frankford lines, as well, however, some bus routes may still be impacted by the weather. >> new jersey transit bus service resumed just few minutes ago here at 4:00 a.m. it is rail service also getting back to normal, including trains on the northeast corridor and north jersey coast. amtrak, by the way, is suspended until 10:00 this morning, because of wire problems. >> and if you want to see the very latest happening, we have a weather app that you can download, it has excellent radar on it, so you can download that and get all of the latest information. >> time now 4:12, advancements and screening for breast cancer. >> the fda has approved first at home breast cancer risk test, but obviously there are always some concerns.
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>> it snow kidding around here. did you see this yesterday? our lauren johnson out doing her job there reporting on the snow, when suddenly, right in the face. let's just say the little ones had a little too much fun. more on this, in 902nd. stay
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it's cleaning season protection. this spring, take on even the grimiest messes with the power of lysol kitchen and bathroom cleaners. kills 99.9% of germs with 0% bleach. lysol. what it takes to protect.
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>> after yesterday's adventures, shall we say shall perhaps this is a good time to countdown to spring. at least when spring will technically begin. and you know, underneath all of that snow, are some
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daphodils wait to go bloom. some of us have had our daphodils start to come up already, 12 days until march the 20th, which will be the vernal equinox of 2018, 12:15 p.m. in the afternoon. let's look at impressive snowfall totals from yesterdayment looks like north jersey, bucks county, got a lot of the brunt of this. princeton township, 17.8 inches. richboro in bucks county got 16 inches. broomall in delco, a foot of snow. bryn mawr, just aunt foot. cherry hill with 8.5. at philadelphia international airport, measuring 6.1 inches of snow, as far as garnet valley 11.8, doylestown with a little over 10 inches, moorestown, new jersey, with 8 . so, there is our storm from yesterday. it is up in new england, now, and it is pounding places like vermont, new hampshire, massachusetts, connecticut and rhode island getting some snow from that. we are not, so we can be largely precipitation-free for today. look ahead to some
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sunshine as we try to dig out. and the good part about a march storm, as opposed to, say, december storm, is that the daylight hours are longer, so it is sort of accelerate the melting process. 35 degrees, so we're above freezing in philadelphia, wilmington, allentown, but we've got temperatures below freezing in a few places this morning, so watch out for slippery spots because of all of the snow that fell yesterday. 10-mile per hour wind, means that it feels like it is 27 in philadelphia. and all of our windchills are in the 20's this morning, so keep that in mind, as you're selecting your outerwear today. 43 degrees should be our high. so it will be kind of cold throughout the afternoon. and about 43 tomorrow, as well, mid four's for saturday, bunch of sunny days ahead. we start out with sunshine sunday. and then the possibility of another coastal storm, i know, i know, on monday, this one's going to start in the gulf of mexico, and makes it way off the coast, nothing to show you
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on radar or anything yet, because it all has yet to happen. but want to give you little preview of possible coming attractions, bob kelly. >> can we lure it with maybe little umbrella drink? >> i could be bribes, bob kelly, i could be bribed. >> good morning, everybody, 4:18. here looks like mother nature took a slurpee, and through right there in the middle of the intersection, route 309, and 202. that's probably the best easy example i can give you. what the roads are looking like this morning. we're all recovering, slower than normal this morning careful if it is not iced over, it can send you slipping and sliding. further south you go, down here in delaware, just wet roadways. so that's good. as you come up and down the i-95 corridor there, downtown philly we go. looking good on the vine street expressway. but expect any of the off ramps, would maybe be two lanes, maybe down to one and a half. race street, for example, right by the mint there, instead of the two lanes you're down it only one lane to make the turnment and
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that's going to cause some back-ups today until we kinds of get everything manicured and all of the snow totally off to the side. best way to go, the market frankford, broad street subway, running trains through the overnight. that's the big work horse for septa. residual concellations from yesterday could be waiting for you at the airport. check with the airline, all of the delays and concellations from yesterday, want to make sure your flights here, so as you're ready to go when you get down there. again, check with the airline before you head down. amtrak service still suspended until at least 10:00 between new york and boston. thomas and karen, back over to you. >> we will get there. time now 4:19. let's look at other stories we're following right now, still developing, arrest has been made in a hit-and-run in mayfair, that left three year old girl in critical condition. thirty-one year old zachary lawyer facing charges of hit-and-run. investigators say he drove on to the sidewalk, hitting a mom and her two children. police say he ran from the scene, leaving the three year
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old pinned right under his car. now, residents, they returned in, they managed to lift it off of her. the mom was hurt and doing okay this morning, the other child not injured. he is facing several charges including aggravated assault with a dui. >> in lehigh county the mayor of allentown, ed pulaski may not be the mayor very long, could be resigning as soon as today. one week after a jury found him guilty of 47 felony counts. the morning call is now reporting that he met with the city council president, roger maclean on tuesday, to discuss preparation. now, maclean would only serve as the acting mayor at the time of pulaski ski. charged, no sentencing date has been set. >> the accused florida shooter is formally charged with 17 counts of first degree murder. a grand jury also indicted nicholas cruz on 17 counts of attempted murder, for the valentine mass shooting at march or marjorie stoneman douglas high school.
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the mother who took him into his heff testified yesterday. still don't have any answers. cruz's public defender has said i'll plead guilty if prosecutors take the death penalty off the table. a porn star who said she had relations with the president is filing a lawsuit against him saying that she would like to speak now and set the record straight. this alleged affair between stormy daniels and the president took place reportedly between 2006 and 2007. she would like a confidential al at this agreement about that torn up, saying, the president never signed it. he denies the allegations. and says he wasn't aware that his attorney, private attorney, paid her $130,000. so this is beyond just the salacious headlines, it is about what those payments could mean and the timing of the election, much more on that. >> all right, so we've got a lot of problems as you're waking up, depends on which road you're traveling in, depending how it will be for you. lots of problems in delaware count. >> i all across the area, some icing as well, let's take a live look, reading good
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morning to you, you're going to be digging out, as well, good news, there is no snow in the forecast today, but, yes, there is always a but, your full forecast coming up. sue will break it down for you. but first, here is thomas sredenschek. >> the eagles send allowed and clear message to the nfl that they've no plans on giving up the vince lombardi trophy any time soon. what they did wednesday, is
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>> this is fox 289 sports in one minute. >> good morning, itches '
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thomas sredenschek. snowstorm, what snowstorm. game on at the wells fargo center last night. flyers started the night with a three game losing streak, a point behind the penguins in that metropolitan division. game was tied at one, second period, travis, does the dirty work. gets the flyers, the two to one lead. but the rest of the night, the rest of the game, really belonged to the penguins. sydney crosby, gets the rebounds, scores, penguins score and win it five to two. eagles with major, picks up michael bennett and the seventh rounder. gave up fifth rounder and marcus johnson, three-time pro bowl here had eight and a half sacks last year. phillies and red sox, yesterday from clearwater, there is your opening day starter, aaron nola, he was sharp yesterday. look at that filthy curve ball. he went four innings. best start of the spring. five strikeouts. gave up just one hit. phils won the game two to one. >> and that's sports in a minute. i'm thomas sredenschek. >> thank you, shredder.
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soap, it doesn't quite take our minds what we're dealing with outside our windows and all of the dig out. >> jenny joyce showing us the latest. bensalem, right? >> reporter: yes, good morning, karen, thomas, live here in bensalem where it is lights out for much of bucks county. peco reporting 50,000 outages here, live from street road and hulmeville road. busy intersection, all every these businesses in the dark this morning. we will be right back. >> you know, jenny, with the businesses without power, traffic lights are not going to be working this morning. and some slippery going in conshy. live look at route 23, and fayette street. let's go to rehoboth beach, where we are looking live. at least they got some power, more so wet roadways, the further south you go. we will run it all down for you, parade forecast and more, sue has got it, but first how about some lottery numbers.
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offered up this morning. if you can help find the person responsible, for harming that little guy, right there. >> let's have a little bit of fun. so many of you out with the kids yesterday, we love it, our own philly special, immortalized in the snow, live right here on tv. >> oh, so great. can't get enough of that moment. great to have you with us this thursday, call it the day after. i'm thomas drayton, bob and sue, good morning. >> good morning. >> the day before the weekends. >> also on two hour delay? >> two hour delay. >> i think most of the schools are fine, because we have to worry about how many days added, a lot on two hour delays. >> that's the new norm. >> getting light little earlier, so you have a chance to assess what's going on, doing little digging in the morning it look a day of melting, too, with double digit snowfall totals.
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that will take a while to get rid of. so at least we will help you out today with a seven out of ten. >> the list not only on the bottom of your screen, but at temperatures in the 30's, few of them right at or below freezing, we have low pressure system that was our bay of our existence yesterday, now moved up toward new england. and dumb ago lot of snow in vermont and new hampshire, and part of massachusetts. that part of it, 35 degrees, so here in the city above freezing. we have windchill of 27, though, so keep that in mind, keep that winter coat on. sunrise time is 6:24. sunset time, 6:01. , during this chilly afternoon, it will be about 43, 44 degrees, at the end of
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the day. we have the weekend, and boy all anybody wants to know about, bob kelly, is that possible storm we're going to get on monday. i wonder why. >> example what's happening back here, route 23, fayette street, conshohocken, the crews, manicuring all of the roadways, the on and the off ramps, this is a live look again, the bridge, into out of conshohocken, so be prepared, a lot of road closures, still a lot of downed trees, wires, a lot of dowe will run it down n the next couple of minutes here, so not going to be a cake walk this morning, so give yourselves some extra time, slow your roll, and a lot of the schools with the two hour delay is actually going to help give some of the buses a chance, to get out there the ram from creek road to 42, look at the pile of snow, almost as high as this
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guy's car. as they try to manicure the ramps, pushing all of the snow out of the way. >> early risers, the trailblazers trying to open up the trails really. the snow plows, this morning, that's pretty shot of the ben franklin. no problems at all up and over the area bridges, amtrak service suspended until 10:00 between new york and boston. and that's all a result of some earlier power problems, that they've been dealing with yesterday, in trenton, atlantic city rail line service suspended, new jersey transit, attempt to go resume full service, but again, each bus route could have a detour or delay depending upon how they open up and get the first cup of coffee and see what the roads look like, patco, dart, pretty much the same thing. all lines resumed normal service, expect delays as they limp back into full service specially along the tree lined routes like the paoli thorndale line. we could be dealing with some
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downed trees and delays along the way, check the bus route, make sure it is not on detour so you're standing on the right corn they are morning, karen, thomas, back to you. >> the clean up just getting started. >> a lot of digging, if you haven't started yesterday it will be the heavy thick snow, we known it won't be easy for you, don't envy that, so many downed wires right now, trees down, so we just have to really take it slowly as we head out. >> show you the picture all across the delaware valley morning, steve keeley in burlington county jenny joyce in bucks count. >> i and to steve in mt. laurel with the latest there. >> reporter: yes, just moved one town over, from moorestown, and we are now in bob kelly's former hometown, and bob, you're going to be happy that you have left mt. laurel. at least for the moment. this town has been devestated. pse&g said probably the hardest hit every all of the
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towns in south jersey, wires are down everywhere, we're right in front of the township hall and the police building, they have emergency power, the only place you will see lights. here is mt. laurel road and walt whitman avenue. you can see the houses closest to us, even in the dark, maybe you can make out the houses are completely dark. mouth laurel lights out all over the place, traffic light intersection and to the left of us where mt. laurel road goes over the new jersey turnpike. you can see the traffic zooming by, see some lights going through the trees, and that's the jersey turnpike, and that's the only place you'll see some lights as they flutter through the trees, so you can see how busy the turnpike; to the left of us, the library won't be used and the schools are closed. updates from the local police department, and bob the roads are a mess. just here in this town alone, church road shutdown, around country club parkway.
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hartford road between marne highway and the entrance to the college, wires down blocking the road, that road is closed. elbow lane, another main drag through town, closed. so, the wires are down, and the guys that fixed them are so busy, they're not going to get to the wires for awhile, which means power is not going to be restored for awhile. and you can bet they want to get to everybody as fast as possible, but utter devestation that people may not be waking to up but up all night trying to figure out how to stay warm in the air. sue serio it, may be above freezing, that may be good thing for melting but let me warn everybody, it is cents a bad thing for this reason. when you walk on, we got 8 inches every snow in moorestown, for instance, when i was walking in my driveway, or in my yard, you walk on what you think is snow, and then pretty soon your feet are more than ankle deep in soaking wet slush. so be sure rubber boots are with the fashion today for sure.
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you don't want to start your day with soaking wet feet. that's what you will have all over the place, snow deceptive, snow on top, sloppy wet slush underneath, so watch it, especially, when you're in a spot like moorestown and mt. laurel that got nearly foot of snow, chances are most of that foot is all slush. so, you have been warned, guys. >> let's see what it is like in bucks county right now. >> jenny joyce standing by. good morning, jenny, to you. >> reporter: good morning, guys, so even after a storm, we always have something to be thankful for, right? so what we're thankful for this morning is a back-up generator powering the power light at hulmeville road, and street road, without that generator, this would not be an easy intersection to manage. a large strip of businesses here on the block, are in the dark, and there is no telling when the lights will be back on you can see cars already moving, starting to see some
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people headed out to work, people reporting 50,000 outages in bucks county. each member of this clan was taking turn to charge cell phones outside in the family truck and of course clear the driveway of the snow. last night, the i95 off ramp to street road was shut down after a tractor-trailer got stuck we saw multiple vehicles spinning, help arrived, even happened to our news van. photographer dave ice on said they were locked in place for two hours before a group of guys help to shove them out. plowed worked through the night to clear the snow, ahead of the re-freeze. i want to tell you guys that's an absolute issue this morning, that re-freeze. so we're on blacktop here in one of the parking lot every a business that lost power, and photographer, poor jared, he steps out of the truck and starts slipping and sliding because it is dark, we don't have power, can't see. it is hard to see black ice anyway. so head the out this morning, don't have power, be extra
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careful. it is very slippery out there. karen, thomas? thanks so much, jenny. of course we have a weather app. if you want to know what's happening and the temperatures and the radar, just download that right there it is at the google play and app stores. developing right now, we have arrest made in a hit-and-run iin mayfair, that landed three year old girl in critical condition. we know that 31 year old zachary lauer faces charges for the hit-and-run, picture of the suspect 3200 block every tyson avenue on tuesday. investigators say he drove on to the sidewalk hit that mom with her two children, police say he ran from the scene leaving the three year old pinned under the car and ran away. people in the area managed to lift that car off of that child the mom injured but will recover, the other child not physically injured. he is facing several charges including aggravated assault, driving under the influence. >> the spca offering a 1,700-dollar we wards for any information leading to the arrest of the person who
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stabbed a pitbull in north philadelphia. leaving her to die. good samaritan fawn dollars doak on the fernrock station monday morning. officials say she underwent surgery for wounds to her lungs, she is expected to be okay. but once again 1,700-dollar reward if you know who did it. >> 4:40, so we have the saint patrick's day sunday, very excited for. that will can't take another snow day for the kids, sue. sue, i cannot take another snow day. is that what is going to happen to me on monday? >> i'll be quitting my job now. don't want to deal with the backlash. are we about to go through this again, i guess is the question? we don't have a lot of details on that but we sure do know how it will be trying to clean up today. there is yesterday's storm. good riddance. we'll have your forecast coming up.
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can i have a peanut butter sandwich? can charlie have one, too? charlie can have one too. one for charlie. (gasp) look mom! charlie took a bite. feed his imagination, with the fresh roasted peanut taste he loves. where there's jif, there's love.
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>> first approved breast cancer dna test. >> it could be a game changer. twenty-three and me, one every their test searching for 3dna mutations most commonly found in people of eastern european jewish descent. well, it is a breakthrough, the test limited since there are more than a thousand cancers causing -- cancer-causing genes. the fda warns women take this test without consult ago expert, but basically the gene
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they talk about, that's what this is for. all right, your money news right now. >> target raising its minimum wage for hourly workers from $11 to $12 an hour. the pay raise, it will begin this spring, and the hike is part of the company's strategy, to compete with amazon. target's goal to raise their minimum pay to $15, by 2020. >> from flipping burgers, to flipping arches? >> literally, the very good cause behind this unusual site at mcdonald's.
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she's had a tiny cough. see you at 5! seriously? protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause coughs. lysol. what it takes to protect.
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- hon- [narrator] going big (yelling) isn't always best. unless it's a aaa plus membership. get 100 towing miles and free emergency gas delivery. aaa. go ahead.
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>> dozens every women own mcdonald restaurants around the country will enter the flipped logo on packages and uniforms, one who has it on the external side. if all of the women in your life, sends us pictures of women's day. your mothers, your sisters, your aunts, who ever it is. >> time is 4:47. let's get a check on traffic and wet they are morning. >> i just ran into mcdonald's and had a big mac, haven't had one in so long, big mac, fries. >> and special sauce. >> boom. lunch of champions, right there. good morning, everybody, 4:47. here is a live look at route 202 in bristol road. example of the road conditions. anything that did not dry up
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last night, could be laying there, forming black ice, a lot of slush and a lot of narrower on and off ramps, turning lanes, so all of that slush, we have to get through slush, whis morning.t through as we heard from steve keeley over there in new jersey, mt. laurel, a lot of road closures, couple of the main roads, all closed and mt. laurel regional high school district, closed today, remember yesterday, they had the state of emergency, but the schools were open. today the schools are closed. so that's going to be good news to allow everybody to clean up over there in moorestown, mt. laurel, cherry hill, eveshamment look at all of the bus routes still suspended here, but septa, little bit at a time. sprinkling each bus route back on there, your best bet, because it will change, as we get through the morning, just go to the system status page, at, and you'll find your bus route, because they may move it over a block or two, until that road can get plowed. all of the regional rail lines are resuming normal service this morning, but expect delays everywhere, as we roll out of the driveway. live look at 95, at least
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clean and green this morning what's it like for the weekend? sue has the forecast in 15 seconds. >> we will send somebody on a fly run now for mcdonald's all of those craving the mcdonald fries. so the highest snow total that we can find from princeton township, 17.8 inches, as it turns out, the pocono mountains did not get the highest snowfall totals, although many of them did end up in double digits. a lot of other places closer to philly, like broomall washings foot of snow. philly international got 6.1 inches. couple of other highlight of snowfall, brandywine, delaware, that's in new castle county, ended up with 10 inches, in moorestown, new jersey at eight. we will show you some more
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snowfall totals as the morning progresses, here's where yesterday's storm; didn't go that far away. now it is dumping snow on vermont, new hampshire, massachusetts, little bit in rhode island, for us, it is dry for now, and we could have weak system come through tonight, with a couple of flurries, and i know any snowflake would make you nervous at this point, but it should only be flurries tonight. now, i want to give you the early preview of coming attractions what's going on over the weekends, and seeing the formation of a storm in the gulf of mexico. this little different than the last one, which was mid western storm, which transferred to coastal storm. so this get going off the gulf coast. and you see, this is sunday morning, with a lot of rain down to our south. but then the whole thing moves off the atlantic coast, starts to get some power, and ya, should probably come and visit us on monday. that's about as much as we can tell you now, so today, and tomorrow, and saturday, sunshine will be in the
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four's, 43 degrees on sunday, and, yes, a lot of question marks here, but the possibility of a coastal storm on monday. just what none of us want to hear. try to below that out, make that dancing man happy. so talking about the weather, saint patrick's day sunday, which sue just mentioned being hoping for all clear. it will be an exciting time. absolute treasure will be lead willing all of us as we are matching along, come out and join us, grand marshal is sister mary scullian. >> sister marry scullian a game changer, running the most suck us fell project home in the country. >> h, affordable housing, o,
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opportunities for employment, and medical care, and e, education. >> the support that you guys offer, man. >> sister mary learned it at the kitchen table, where there was always room for one more. >> my mother cleaned houses, and my father was a bartender. and we struggled to make ends meet. and when other immigrant came over, my mom and dad often hosed them in our home. so learned early in life, it is important to give people an opportunity in life. and to help each other with the hand-up. >> a mothed he is mercy nun from oxford circle, now one every time magazine's most influencial people, inspiring rock stars, deep pocket mowing
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else, and politicians. jon bon jovi's best friends, bill clinton's great friend, started begging on the streets, i don't know if people know this or not, but actually went homeless for a week, so she can understand. she begs, she slept in subway stations, and today she has $30 million corporation, annually, that has over 800 units for the homeless people. she is just an amazing human being. i think we're honored just to have her. >> st. patrick's parade directly is over the moon she is this year's grand marshal. the embodiment of the theme, saint patrick blessed those who respond to the call of the needy, after i had runner, will have no trouble leading our troops and reminding us all to look around and smile. >> when you see a person who is living on the street, to look them in the ian acknowledge them as a human being, that's the most basic thing we can all do, no matter who we are, what we are, we can all do that.
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>> well we certainly can. she is such an inspiration. she is so motivated all of us. that will was lasts year's parade. we'll be there. please join us this sunday, we have a wonderful time. sue sales the weather will hold out. won't have the rain on our head. so you can either join us starting at noon, the parade, coming out and joining us or watch it on tv hopefully your power is back on you can join us noon to 3:00. >> had great time last year, hope to see you out there, we>[a5df]
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>> the bulldogs enjoyed the snow, we got up to foot of snow? some parts of the area, some of the dogs love it, others, i'm not going outside! >> heck no! little paw hits the snow and they back it on up. put the little booties on them, as well. all right, so, hopefully you're having some fun consideration keep a good spirit about what's going on, we have a lot of people struggling today. >> special/out in jersey, as well, steve keeley, good morning. >> we are on many of the roads that are closed, all morning, already. and as i'm 5:00 a.m., this is one of them, hartford road, main drag through burlington county. and marne highway, you see the traffic light. to the left, we are at the rowan college campus, so there is the question. will they able to get kids in the college with
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they declare love dogs dat first get. dogs love more, because they are more. let's treat them that way. milk-bone. doing more for dogs since 1908.
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>> digging out and working to get the power back on. >> there was huge bang, and everything went dead. and i look out, there was the telephone pole leaning up against my car. >> heavy snow, tearing trees from the roots and onto power lines, leaving hundreds of thousands of people in the dark. you're used to turning on lights as go into different


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